Friday, August 22, 2014

A 50th Birthday

Apologies for the long gap in posts. I have an excuse! I'm excited to say I recently moved from New Orleans to a teeny tiny town in Oregon. The move, while very exciting, left little time for posting. But I'm settled now, and expect to be able to post with a little more frequency.

To get started, here's a commission I finished recently for a 50th birthday. I was asked to create something unique and personal for the birthday of a man who "needed nothing". This thoughtful friend sent me a long list of his favorite things, and asked them to be put into the number 50. Here's the result!

In its floating frame, all ready to ship. I really need to learn how to take pictures of frames without glare!

I can't wait to hear how the birthday boy likes it!

To request a personalized commission, please send an email to