Friday, August 9, 2013

My first commission

A few weeks ago something awesome happened - I got my first commission for some cards! I mentioned to a friend that I do this and she had some occasions coming up that she asked me to make some cards for. This was very exciting for me, as it was my first chance to turn my hobby into a little more!

She asked me for 2 birthday cards and an anniversary card. The bday cards are here below, and the anniversary card, which was much more involved, will get its own post soon (when it's done).

The first card was for her 3 year old nephew. I figured a pop-up would be fun, and used a simple template for pop-ups that can be tailored to almost any design. I was also told not to stick to boyish colors, so I used a whole bunch of different colors. I put some 2D balloons on the front, and for the inside I started with the cake and the banner, and then decided it was looking too plain and added the sparklers.

The front:

The inside:

The second card was for her partner. I was told his favorite colors are grey and orange together, and that he was born in Brazil. So I took one of my favorite birthday card designs of a flag garland and made them look like the Brazilian flag, and set the whole card in orange and grey. Then she said she wanted something simple for the front, so I did a quick candle paper cut. And voila!

Thanks, Megan, for being my first customer!

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